Bypassing Android SSL Pinning will give you detailed video for burp setup , But to hunt bugs on Android , Below are some important steps in order to unpin Apps for testing . To do so you need to install below apps
1. Dowload genymotion - This is Your Andoid Emulater
2. Download super su v2.46 or latest
3. Download xposed installer apk
4. download xposed sdk
5. Download ssl unpinning
first root your android fone
than download xposed apk in that fone
than install xposed sdk (Note sdk version must be same as your fone apk version)
than ssl unpinning
After all steps , Restart android phone.
After Restarting the phone , Open SSL pinning App, Select the app you want to test and click on upin.
After that capture the requests on the Burp and have fun.
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